Terms of sale

Terms of sales of DiscordGate.com. Credits are used to generate messages and Discord rules with our AI.

1. Introduction

Welcome to our terms of sale page. By purchasing credits through our platform, you agree to the terms described below. Please read them carefully.

2. Credit Validity

  • Validity Period: Purchased credits are valid for a period of one year from the date of purchase.
  • Expiration: After this period, unused credits will automatically expire and can no longer be claimed or refunded.

3. Purchasing Credits

  • Payment Method: Payments for credits are made exclusively through Stripe.
  • Purchase Confirmation: A confirmation email will be sent to you after your purchase is completed.

4. Using Credits

  • Credit Application: Credits can be used for AI-powered tools such as the ad generator, announcement generator, and rules generator.
  • Non-Transferability: Credits are personal and cannot be transferred or exchanged for money or other products/services.

5. Refunds

  • Refund Policy: Credits are non-refundable and non-exchangeable, except in specific cases that will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

6. Changes to the Terms

We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time. Changes will be posted on this page and will take effect upon publication.

7. Contact

For any questions regarding credits or these terms of sale, please contact us at team@discordgate.com or on our Discord server.