Discord Intents Calculator

Use this tool to simplify your life when managing intents with your Discord application.

Choose the intents you need:

Reset selection

Permissions you will receive:


About this tool

The Discord intents calculator is a tool designed for bot developers who want to easily configure intent permissions. This tool allows you to select the necessary intents for your bot and automatically calculates the sum of the required permissions.

With our intents calculator, you can quickly choose from a list of predefined intents and see in real-time the events associated with each intent. Whether you are developing a bot for server management, moderation, or user interaction, our tool ensures you configure the permissions correctly.

This tool is simple and accessible, even for those new to Discord bot development. It guides you through the process of selecting intents, clearly displaying the associated permissions, so you can make informed choices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most frequently asked questions

What is a Discord intent?
Intents allow bot developers to "subscribe" to specific events in Discord. This is useful for bots that need to respond to specific events, such as when a user joins a server or sends a message. You can choose to enable all intents or only the specific ones that your bot requires.
Why do I need to manage intents for my Discord bot?
Managing intents is crucial because it allows your bot to receive only the necessary information, reducing data overload and improving performance. Proper intent management also helps you stay within the quotas and limits imposed by the Discord API.
How does the Discord Intents Calculator work?
The intents calculator allows you to select the intents your bot needs through a simple interface. Once your selections are made, the tool generates the corresponding sum that you can directly integrate into your application. An example is provided above.
What are the benefits of using this tool compared to manual configuration?
Using our intents calculator helps reduce configuration errors, optimize development time, and ensure your bot runs smoothly and efficiently. It helps you avoid unnecessary permissions while ensuring all critical functionalities are covered.
Is the Intents Calculator free?
Yes, the Discord Intents Calculator is free. You can access all its features at no cost.
Can I update my bot's intents after the initial configuration?
Yes, you can always adjust your bot's intents as your needs evolve. The intents calculator allows you to review and modify intents at any time, generating new code to integrate into your application.